Warez-BB.org is down again in what appears to be yet another database issue. The massive community hasn’t had issues from outside interference in a long time. These issues have all been isolated from within.
The site has been offline for more than 48 hours and judging from the looks of things, the website is going to remain offline for at the very least an additional 2 more days. According to Warez-BB’s blog post, the site is down for scheduled maintenance. However, the blog site itself has been taken offline (correction: it’s back up again).
This isn’t anything new that’s taking place with the mega site, but people are getting more irritated and agitated with each prolonged downtime. Some members are speaking out on Facebook and other warez related communities to voice their frustrations. Many are so used to the downtime anymore that they have began to treat each downtime with a “it will be back sooner or later” mentality.
The issues are actually getting worse, and just when you think they can’t get any worse, they do! – A Warez-BB.org Member on the Downtime
See Full Article: Warez-BB.org Down Again: Warez Community Collapses From Within | ScrollDog.com ? Breaking Scene News