Vuze Hosting - I have been 'Thrown out'

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Where did I ever trash Vuze Hosting? I never trashed it, I never said it was bad neither. I think Vuze Hosting is good?

Now hang on a minute, the other day, the conversation was I was practically an employee and you were 'paying me'. Not that I was getting 33.3% profit, you never stated, you weren't on earlier on and you removed all my permissions for nothing. We spoke two days ago, on MSN that I never OWNED or I never got PROFIT from the company. I was only getting paid. Now, I never spoke to you like shit, I started a normal conversation with you Bobby, I came on and was like hey, our IP is blocked at my school, need to get it sorted, yeah? so i had a look around and I was like well it is also blocked on I think it is called SBL? on spamhaus? that was blocked for crime and malware. We have committed no crime and malware is not allowed on the Vuze Network.

Thing is Bobby, If something is wrong, It gets fixed, no matter how big, how small. It gets fixed. A problem is a problem, they get resolved.

I spoke to you on Monday on MSN and you told me I was getting NO PROFIT and I never OWNED ANY PART OF THE COMPANY. Now, I agreed that I'd get profit, at least 1/3 of the profit. Of course I posted a scam report, you removed all my permission and I give you my clients, turning something valuable over for free doesn't go by me. Well, Vuze clearly does has something to do with HackForums if their is an advertisement on here.

I am not acting like a kid, you are acting like a kid by removing my permissions without even talking to me while I told you I'd talk to you when I'm able to get back on, as stated I wouldn't be on Monday night.

You are top people, that doesn't mean you get to say you can rip peoples heads of, does it? I've never ripped his head of? So I don't expect him to do it to me. Even if I'm right, I still don't rip his head of! Like how you were pissed because he never sent the credentials email, and he rips my head of because I questioned him about it, that is a joke.

P.S All the kids talking about DDoS attacks, bring them on. We will see who the stronger people are. Try take us down.
- I already told them, the DDOS protection is for real, if you read the whole thread.
NationWebHost, please stop being a kid and think you will get feedback here. This is an internet forum, it's no place to talk about personal problems.

Sure, I won't use VuzeHosting after this. But I won't use NationWebHost neither, cause he wouldn't kick you out for nothing.
NationWebHost, please stop being a kid and think you will get feedback here. This is an internet forum, it's no place to talk about personal problems.

Sure, I won't use VuzeHosting after this. But I won't use NationWebHost neither, cause he wouldn't kick you out for nothing.

+1 you are completely right.

Customers choice. I'm not being a kid, I just wanted everyone to know about what happened.

As I stated before, no one really cares, and you are making yourself look childish.
Not only are you trying to ruin what ever reputation vuze hosting has, but any reputation that your "old" company will get. <_<
Not what I wanted out of this thread, I just want everyone to know what happened. I don't care if I get negative replies here, I've had plenty of positive replies elsewhere.
Who cares, you just seem mad that you got fired from this so called "company". :s

This section is for feedback/discussions regarding hosts, not about arguing over personal issues, I suggest you resolve this privately.

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