Vuze Hosting - I have been 'Thrown out'

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Active Member
Vuze Hosting

I'm sorry, but what goes around, comes around Bobby and David. It is liable that this thread gets removed by one of the moderators, if you do, I will take this up with el_jentel personally to make sure my thread isn't deleted and my word is put out.

Start of this week, me and David had an argument.

(21:52) ' இ d: well
not really much use without credentials is it?
(21:52) ' இ d: luckily i got Ecatel to send me them
(21:53) David: i know i saw
(21:53) David: if u text me i would have been able to get knew i was away..

I told him VPS should be done tomorrow, and he didn't reply till late at night telling me he was going to bed because he had fell asleep after a 'hard day'. I replied, well wasn't really much use without credentials is it?, luckily i got Ecatel to send me them. He then replied I know, I saw, if you text me I would have been able to get them.. you knew i was away... However, I asked twice and still believed he was correct. I asked him, he ignored and done something, I asked him something else and I got a reply in a blink of an eye. So he said 'i didnt have anything from them alst night...dont start an argument about this too tired and i dont wanna rip your head off over something this trivial..'

So I replied:

'you never said that, did yuo
and you wont rip my head of
you never have
and never will'

Then I got another reply threatening to throw me out:

'ok...keep up with the fucking attitude and your out of vuze...hows that!'

I replied:

'no i wont, you can not throw me out.
i dont sit and rip your head of
so i dont expect you to do it to me
all i asked was one question
and that was for you to forward me an email'

I told him he had to update the WHMCS billing area license because our IP changed.


'if you dont beleive i can throw you out then just try me....'

Bare in mind, Vuze Hosting was meant to be a partnership. I previously owned NationWebHost.Com. I founded in February this year and later merged with Vuze Hosting. I handed over my clients and decided we would all own the company 1/3 each and split the profits. This was all going well up till the start of this week, as you can see.

So the next morning at school, I spoke to Bobby on web messenger built into hotmail. I told him we needed to have our IP un-blacklisted because it was blocked at my school. So, we spoke and after a while i told him that David threatened to throw me out Vuze last night. He was puzzled at first and obviously spoke to him about it. Now, why would I hand over my clients, my project to become a CEO of a company if I already have my own? I supposedly gave up my company, my clients and work to become a CEO. Bare in mind, I answered most of the tickets on Vuze, done most of the work as well. So we argued at school about it and I told them I would NOT give up my company to become a CEO in Vuze, that would be crazy!
I also do not have logs of the conversations on hotmail, sorry. If i did, I'd post proof.

So, I had to leave, period was up and haven't spoke to them since. So, yesterday I wasn't able to get on as I was with my girlfriend. Although, today when I got home, I noticed that all passwords were changed, all my access WAS GONE. That is why I'm filling this scam report today, for taking my customers, let me doing work and then thrown me away. Feel free to ask questions If I have made this confusing.

I'd like to announce that NationWebHost will be back VERY soon!

It is liable that this thread gets removed by one of the moderators, if you do, I will take this up with el_jentel personally to make sure my thread isn't deleted and my word is put out.

With Regards,
David Elliott
Vuze don't seem very legit. I ended up leaving after an argument about the fact vuze were selling "Offshore" hosting with a TOS disallowing warez, hacking sites and malware. After that Bobby supplied a hacker with my real name blaming an issue on me even though i had nothing to do with it. So i quit (I'm pretty sure the "we'll pay you when the company expands" was a lie).
Maybe you don't care but we have customers here so I'd like them to know, that alright with you?

no, because then you'll have a reply like above mine, and so on.
it will turn into bickering about your company, and there will be no point to it.

a majority of client's don't really care about the company infrastructure. as long as the company provides them hosting, they could careless about anything else.
so again I really don't see the point =/

but i guess you can let the mods decide.
The only thing here I can say is nextime is to do an legal contract instead of a verbal contract between you and person you partner up with I feel very sorry for your lost of your clients in the long run you should've typed up an legal contract with terms to were you and bobby both agreed on before actually starting a partnership with him. If it was only a verbal contract you wouldn't have no way showing it in court if you were to take legal actions most likely the court will throw out your case that mostly depends on what state or country you're in. The only thing left here I can say is before doing partnership with anyone make an legal contract have both party sign make sure both party of the legal contract have witness at the time of signing including having both witness sign the contract.

I feel sorry that you were scammed that's only my little advice I can give to everyone is to remember before doing any partnership do an legal contract first not a verbal has an legal contract with signature is more proof then a verbal contract.
if that CEO of Vuze can behave like this to you, very much chances he can behave the same way to the customers.

Thanks for the info.
Thank you Robert, someone else also stated that on another form. However the company wasn't registered. So I don't think I can have a legal contract for a partnership. It was more a project than a company at the moment. Well said Vorazeal.
Thank you Robert, someone else also stated that on another form. However the company wasn't registered. So I don't think I can have a legal contract for a partnership. It was more a project than a company at the moment. Well said Vorazeal.

yes, but we are only getting your side of the story.
for all we know, you did something to them for them to kick you out.

there's something fishy here <_<

but anyways, since it was a "project", you have no legal entities to anything. so in short terms, "you got screwed", get over it. -- this happens all the time with little companies as one person wants more money, so they kick someone out.
next time get legal :)
I think you're older guy. But really, why the fuck did you believed that nigga? This is the Internet for fucks sake. People want money. No one is opening a company for fun, you should have known that he just used you to make a better start for his "company", if you can call it a "company".

I'm really sick of these new so called "companies", how the fuck he can call something he opened a "company" when nigga doesn't even have a rack.

I think those people from Ecatel are on valium or something, 'cause they can handle so much pathetic kiddie bullshit every day.
I know, I can't do nothing. It is just down to reputation now. I only tell the absolute truth.

I haven't let out financial information, the items I've hid.

Remember, I do not have screenshots of hotmail.

Here is screenshots of our convo:

I will definitely get legal documents next time Sandino. I am rather pist but shit happens. I will deal with it by opening my project back up and then have it registered as a sole trader.

Also, I was the younger one, I am actually 16 right now. Bobby, I believed just turned 17 and David just turned 18.
I think you're older guy. But really, why the fuck did you believed that nigga? This is the Internet for fucks sake. People want money. No one is opening a company for fun, you should have known that he just used you to make a better start for his "company", if you can call it a "company".

I'm really sick of these new so called "companies", how the fuck he can call something he opened a "company" when nigga doesn't even have a rack.

I think those people from Ecatel are on valium or something, 'cause they can handle so much pathetic kiddie bullshit every day.

Quote of the month! :)) Sorry but I had to reply.
Tbh, VuzeHosting is the best hosting servive I've been on.

vuze were selling "Offshore" hosting with a TOS disallowing warez, hacking sites and malware.

I've been running a warez site on there server for the past month or so and I've never had any bother from them? There support is fast, 100% uptime. Nothing to say that contradicts them so far.
Right this is how it all happened. Its also funny how you start to trash our company when your out. I bet you tell everyone we are shit eh? To be honest, I don't care. Tell them what you want. You will just turn into another trasher, and they go fast.

We agreed you would bring all your clients over for 33.3% of the PROFIT, when we took money out. We never said you OWN 33.3% of the company. If we did, post the screen shot, and I would be happy to give you my 50% share in Vuze.

The only reason we got rid of you is because you fixed things which didn't need fixing. Touched things, which didn't need touching. You made it so much more stressful you helping us out, then you not helping at all. So we got rid of you. Not only that, but when you spoke to me, you spoke to me like I was dirt on the floor. Respect dude. If you went and worked for Microsoft and spoke to Bill Gates like that, would you still be in the job. No. So don't expect me to take your shit.

What I think it stupid about you. Not once you spoke to me on MSN about it. I haven't blocked you or anything. But you go ahead and post a scam report, which isn't even a scam. Vuze has got nothing to do with HackForums, and it never will. (Unless Omniscient buys in :P)

"What ever goes around comes around"? You kidding me? You actually that hurt by it? Makes sense to be truthful. Your acting like a kid. All the people on this forums, who understand how a business works, in a professional manner will laugh at you. Also, go start up NationWebHost. It will be a laugh. Lets see who will be here in 10 years time yeah?

Also, me and David A, are the top people in Vuze, We own % of the company. What we say, goes. You got a problem with that. Then you contact us. Not the world. Us.

If you want to discuss this in a professional manner, speak to me on MSN or PM. Over wise, my job here is done. I will not post anymore.
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