Vreer.com Paying upto $3 for every 1000 stream

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i can't do remote upload, ahoura u can help me pls;
my username: florians

Florians, you should not be facing any issues, there are no pending uploads from your account. let me know if you are still having a problem and please specify what the problem is.


sorry, - my bad :))

I do apologize for the late payment, I will send you the payment right now. Please from now on if the payment was delayed more than 36-48 hours PM me.

cant upload any videos my videos are pending for an hour..............:(

is anybody facing the same prblm ????

Could you please PM me your username and tell me what exactly is stuck.


Hello. I'm waiting my payment since march 20. My username nesveikaz.


I do apologize about the late payments, if you read the post above I did say that if it was delayed more than 48 hours, please PM me and remind me.


Added after 20 minutes:

Please note that all the recent payment requests have been sent, so hopefully we will have a bit more payment proofs posted Here.

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No problem, I am glad you like our website. We are open to any reasonable suggestion to improve our website so feel free to PM me with any requests.

As of right now, we are still looking into it and trying to figure our how to optimize embed video in the best way possible. it should not be long before we enable embed videos.

Regarding Streaming issues, streaming is working and its not a bandwidth issue, we are just receiving a lot of requests on the hard disk and it takes the server about 30 seconds to find the video (after it does find the video the streaming is fast). We are looking into this issue to fix it asap so please be patient

Unfortunately we do not keep the original videos, so its not possible to allow them to download the original videos.

If the demand is high we might keep the original files and allow users to download them.

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