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Can please someone that is a user on the SOLARMOVIE Website help me. My profile was banned by accident and have no way of contacting them if someone here could help out to get me back online by texting User : Redinvader - My username is FREDDOBAR - i was banned for 24hrs but for reason it went onto 7 days by accident after about 1 hour of lifting for the same. The admin will notice the error themselves. Please guys , please someone reply and help out, Thank You.
Here we speak of VoDLocker and not solarmovie.
I'm glad you're banned on solarmovie :)
in the end, we have managed to do it.
Many people had happened because of you { FREDDOBAR }
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Hello All,

We will be processing payments but if you have a payment support request you should email the support@ email address or use the site contact us. SO that we can keep track of requests.
There is a delay in payments/support but we are clearing them as soon as possible.

We are also having server issues and are working on them as well, hence the slow replies but all emails will be cleared soon.
Thanks for all your patience.
What the heck is your problem ? Why are you saying this ? Im only banned for 1 week by accident, and wen im back online, i will be screenshot this and reporting to theBoss and ReInvader to make sure you get what comes to you with a ban of your own for being against your own community.

Vodlocker keep up the good work your doing amazing :)
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