those rates doesnt apply on meAffiliate Rates (updated Aug 20th)
$40 per 10K for USA|Canada|UK
$20 per 10K for DE|AU|AT|BE|FI|IE|SE|CH|NL|FR|DK|NZ|NO
$2.5 per 10K for All other countries
here toostill did not receive payment
may be an issue with mistakenly sent CAD instead of USD? I think you sent a support ticket to us?if not email support and they will correct it.1st of all hi all. 1st time on Wjunction
2nd, thank you vodlocker for 2 payments in the past
3rd, i see noone has my problem so i need to clarify it
those rates doesnt apply on meAffiliate Rates (updated Aug 20th)
$40 per 10K for USA|Canada|UK
$20 per 10K for DE|AU|AT|BE|FI|IE|SE|CH|NL|FR|DK|NZ|NO
$2.5 per 10K for All other countries
my 3rd payment i received today is not in $
you people received in $
i received in CAD, and with a question, if im agree or not
i dont know what to do, cause im perplex now
my $ are not like your $
i dont need to be that special
hope you understand why am i so pissed
first 2 payments were normal.
$ means $ not other currency
clarify me please
thank you
Unfortunately we do not want to work with you because you accuse us of being scammers when we are only 48 hrs late with few payments (either due to verification or deays in funds upload to paypal exchangers). Either Way we respect affiliates and expect the same back. If we are scammers why do you want to work with us anyway?vodlocker please reopen my account! my account was banned!
i have 20$
in my account
problem solvedmistakenly sent CAD instead of USD?