VodLocker.com Earn Up to $40, Weekly Payouts

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All payoneer payouts are sent. there is a small delay in payza but it should be taken care of within 48 hrs.

@a3082274 It seems your account payment info was recently changed we will process your payment soon.

Italy tier B is a stretch since we have less demand from advertisers for this Geo.

Thanks all
I expect payment a month and I have not received it. Admin I postpone payment. And not serious at all.
I say that resolve in 24 hours, and again a week goes by I answer messages and so on.
Hello All,

We have paid all payoneer and payza payments now. Wmz will be done soon.
@kryshac what is your user ID? We are serious with weekly payments, most likely you screwed up something in your account and our team needs an approval from a admin to clear your payments. All affiliates here get paid weekly as you can see from the posts here
Payment Pending

Hello, my payment that I put in for on December 15th still reads as pending. When can I expect to receive my payment? My username on Vodlocker is Resticon and it is for a Paypal account. My understanding is that since I requested it before Tuesday of last week I should have received it last Wednesday or Thursday, right?
Hello, my payment that I put in for on December 15th still reads as pending. When can I expect to receive my payment? My username on Vodlocker is Resticon and it is for a Paypal account. My understanding is that since I requested it before Tuesday of last week I should have received it last Wednesday or Thursday, right?

Hello yours is the only one that is pending from that batch. I will check why and make sure it is processed this week.
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