VodLocker.com Earn Up to $40, Weekly Payouts

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We have temporarily disabled the search function on site due to abusers (people who automate the search and copy links that never get published). We will put it back on with some limitations to avoid such events in the future.
You can still copy files that you know the URL of (Just the search is disabled for now)

Thanks all :)
We have enabled catalog search again with some limitations to avoid abuse of that system.
If the limitations are a hassle to do your job please let us know, we will adjust limitations accordingly.

Thanks all for confirming!
Dear Vodlocker team,
For a few times a day I do ~50 searches at once and as I've seen the limit is set to something like ~20 (I guess).
Would it be possible to raise the catalog search limit?
My nickname is: silence
Thanks a lot!
You are the best :)
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