-1Gbps Unmetered VPS - Linux/Windows OS - from 6$/mo (FR)

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No warez host.

First RPS delivered !

Best Regards,

Added after 11 minutes:

First Speedtest at RPS :

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The offers are really tempting. What bothers me ... there is the Windows installation only in the languages ​​"Anglais, Français" or is also available English or German?

I would like to order one.
Some of your customers use too much bandwith.

We work on it.

Best Regards,

Added after 5 Hours 28 minutes:

NEW : We open a test session of RPS.
Register on the site and open a support ticket to request a day free trial !
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@roscotorba : Thanks to contact support before posting some lies on Wjunction.

If you have a problem we can resolv it in the next 24 hours.

Best Regards,

I've opened ticket, 4 x 3 vps that does not RIECO longer access from 2 weeks! as a response to them and that's all right for three different vps! I find myself having paid for three vps - 1 vps premium that I can not get is the only answer that I use too much bandwidth is an unpaid invoice that I have ever purchased


please explain your problems on a ticket for each vps you have.

We will add you the downtine on the invoice if there are troubles with our vps.

Best Regards,
I outdor many tichet is your answer is that alright!!! I do not RIECO to enter tells me off or unreachable! 4 VPS paid only for 2 days and then mice not active


Added after 5 minutes:

this and the answer I anke open ticket, but tell them that it is alright

Last edited: Solamente Una truffa! Comprato Più Volte E presi i soldi Spariti!! Assistenza Pari un assolo di zero Una mega truffa

Attenzione prima di sparare certe stronzate, conosco bene l'amministratore di virtubox, ho 2 vps con loro, non ho mai avuto problemi! Pecca un pò sul supporto, ma tutto sommato va bene, e comunuqe non truffano la gente come tu dici.


Added after 8 minutes:

I outdor many tichet is your answer is that alright!!! I do not RIECO to enter tells me off or unreachable! 4 VPS paid only for 2 days and then mice not active


Added after 5 minutes:

this and the answer I anke open ticket, but tell them that it is alright


Hai accesso al vsphere? prova a connettere tramite il pannello di controllo vmware
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impossible to connect by remote computer, try again if the problem persists, contact the owner of the remote, or network administrator.

meanwhile time passes and no one would answer from the support.
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