VidUP Paying upto $30 for every 10000 stream

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I assume Vidup will just be left to die now - no payments for nearly 2 months on there - Contact form gets no response, and Ahoura is very rarely active in this forum.

I can add bank wire payment on there, but there is nowhere to actually put my bank wire details haha, and the fees would be silly. I have put my bitcoin address in my PayPal details, just on the off chance that there may be a bitcoin payment, but it doesn't look like it. The payment system was supposed to be updated on Vidup when pending payments were completed on Thevideo, and that was now a month ago - so it looks like a no go unfortunately.

Added after 3 Days 18 Hours:

I assume Vidup will just be left to die now - no payments for nearly 2 months on there - Contact form gets no response, and Ahoura is very rarely active in this forum.

I can add bank wire payment on there, but there is nowhere to actually put my bank wire details haha, and the fees would be silly. I have put my bitcoin address in my PayPal details, just on the off chance that there may be a bitcoin payment, but it doesn't look like it. The payment system was supposed to be updated on Vidup when pending payments were completed on Thevideo, and that was now a month ago - so it looks like a no go unfortunately.

I take it back,payments options have been updated, good work!
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Thanks For payment:dan:

but uploading not work last 1 week if Primum available Please Upgrade me :heiligenschein:
Last edited: and vidup are more than likely going away soon..wouldn't count on getting payment. vidup has been down for a long time now and has never been fixed..That should be another good sign that they plan to leave and not pay anyone...

Edit: Don't know what to believe as to what is really happening but i would be surprised to get payment but i won't hold my breath...

Edit: Plus page is no longer here unless i am missing it.
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:facepalm: oh my god my hardly earned 80 $. Please god make them pay. otep39 Thanks for the info. Is there other sites which is paying?
Payments will be released this week I have been told. They will also be returning vidup to its original state (prior to the beta stage I gather). I'm yet to be too hopeful though. Since November my pending payout is now at $255. I will hold me breath for now :o
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