: Make Upto $40 per 10k views

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Still waiting on payment for over 2 months now...Let me know if you plan to pay me. You don't even bother to e-mail me or respond to any e-mails i have sent you..
tested and found that rates are very very very low not as the table earnings show !!

6473 / $5.4449 !!!!!!! only 5 $ !! , and most views from tier 1 am sure !!
tested and found that rates are very very very low not as the table earnings show !!

6473 / $5.4449 !!!!!!! only 5 $ !! , and most views from tier 1 am sure !!
username ? pm me, if you dont want to post here

rates are as stated on the site, you should also know embed make 50% only as stated on affiliate page
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