: Make Upto $40 per 10k views

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Now I can't upload:
We're sorry, there are no servers available for upload at the moment.
Refresh this page in some minutes.

And I'm interested in too what about the PayPal?

Thanks the fixes so far!
Same here. : ( Please fix the freakin servers. Sometimes it is working for 10 minutes or so, then for hours it is broken again and cant do anything : ( : @
it's time to say goodbye of this host
thanks for all payment and for all support.
reason:the problem with paypal is hard to be solve and payza not exist.
reason:the problem with paypal is hard to be solve and payza not exist.
we are working on pp issue, but its taking more time than expected

you can accept btc as of now and deposit in your payza account

to add to it, we are having technical issues with our upload/encode servers; as we are facing ddos attacks
the broken file links will be fixed once we get our hdds back from data recovery, but we expect to loose some data (around 0.5% of our total files)

we might soon switch to 360 day inactive file delete policy, as some users have been abusing it by uploading tb's of junk data with no traffic
Okay then, but please dont leave the users in the dark, next time - for such a long period. Ppl came here for infos, but there were none.
About PP, cant you just create new account on different holder, and stuff - but i understand, you gotta move lots of funds. Any chance on some bonuses again? - and what about Skrill? Easier than payza i think, and more popular.
But still, being more specific - any chance for PP so it comes back in THIS month?
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For a few days everything works fine, but now this problem appeared again:

Video is processing now.
Conversion stage: Transferring to Encoder server
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