Hellogood day, where is day paying?
You will paid soon, payments are not instant. It takes time to check everyone and pay.
Hellogood day, where is day paying?
Hello can you provide me your username ?PAID but money not in Payza,what is that?
How long does it normally take to process pay-pal payments?
Mine has been pending for a few days..
Vidlox is working properly for us, can you please re-check and let us know.hello!stil not have money in payza,is vidlox down?
Your welcomePayment Received... Thank You.. :emoji_ok_hand:
Can You upgrade My account? I can't upload anything, Im not sure why.
User name: pao1
prestigio is username,still not have money in payza but is PAID onHello can you provide me your username ?
Helloprestigio is username,still not have money in payza but is PAID on
We don't have any premium membership , all accounts are normal and i see your account storage is not even close to full so please check your connection once or try from different connection/browser. Or please let me know what error you are seeing.
Your welcomeIt's ok now, there was a message (1 day): "You have to upgrade Your account to upload" or something similiar.
Thank's for quick (24h!) payment (BTC).
HelloDo Not Use VidLox they Blocked Your account For bullshit reason
"Your account was banned by administrator
Reason: site rejected. Very low views."