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it is to..early to say That videowood.. delay Payments.. only a Week not a Month? Hello..the Admin and staff of video is True to his words.. and ive Notice The player is Much faster now..its all Yours Guys..
its so Hard to Find a host Like This..
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it is to..early to say That videowood.. delay Payments.. only a Week not a Month? Hello..the Admin and staff of video is True to his words.. and ive Notice The player is Much faster now..its all Yours Guys..
its so Hard to Find a host Like This..

the videowood is not the problem but the adcompany refusing to pay them. even if videowood love the affiliates/users but they cant do anything to pay them without the payments from those adcompany. So in short if the adcompany stop paying videowood then we the affiliates users wont receive a single penny and thats the end of videowood for affiliate program.
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