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Video Not loading

the video not loading after buffering just black screen and x
it say
"The video could not be loaded either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported"

please fix it thanks...
Let's their claim is that one sponsor didn't pay them and that's why they didn't pay us...
Well,since then they earned a lot with our traffic and other sponsors so why don't they pay now?
I am ok with write off money that "bad" sponsor didn't pay so delete my last payout request and pay me only money earned since than. :)
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Let's their claim is that one sponsor didn't pay them and that's why they didn't pay us...
Well,since then they earned a lot with our traffic and other sponsors so why don't they pay now?
I am ok with write off money that "bad" sponsor didn't pay so delete my last payout request and pay me only money earned since than. :)


how can they suppose to pay you if they havent received their payment?
they are waiting for their payment from the adcompany they are working with
so stay calm dude your not the only one who cash out or waiting all of us even
the videowood itself. so better wait for them to pay you after all they are not scam
For those that don't understand how they are generating revenue to the ad-networks but still not get paid, I'll try to explain.

VideoWood and many others video hosts like them generate hundreds of thousands of dollars each month with advertising - most of them work with 2 or 3 ad-networks at the same time. But it's not the same thing someone asking for a payout of US$100 and a company asking for a payout of US$10k (just an example). It take time to make a payment this big.

Some video host can generate US$100.000 in revenue per month - so the ad-network ask for time to make a payment of this amount. And sometimes it can take 3 to 5 months to this payment be completed. It's completely normal on the ad-network business (not correct thought)

As parjj91 once said, for those who need money now, STOP working with VideoWood and go try other VideoHost. VideoWood is currently on-hold with payments and they can eventually close doors without pay nobody. It's a risk, can happen any time.

Plus they don't have ANY obligation of paying their users, since no one signed a contract with them.
Go to ad-network and tell them than you want to buy 10,000$ worth of traffic and let me know what they say about paying it: did they told you "you can pay it in 3 to 4 months" or did they asked money upfront.

Anyway,I am not sure why are you guys defending videowood. I was not the one that forced them to make their rules and TOS and say we will pay you in a week. They did that and they are unable to do that. I don't care is it bad business plan (because obviously it is and they can't make enough profit to make payments). All I care is to get my money. If you say in a week,well,pay me in a week.If you say in a month,well,I may not like and I won't work with you. That's completly up to me but you have to state when you will pay earned money.

The way they are doing it I am not sure how many people will continue to send traffic their way.
Go to ad-network and tell them than you want to buy 10,000$ worth of traffic and let me know what they say about paying it: did they told you "you can pay it in 3 to 4 months" or did they asked money upfront.

Anyway,I am not sure why are you guys defending videowood. I was not the one that forced them to make their rules and TOS and say we will pay you in a week. They did that and they are unable to do that. I don't care is it bad business plan (because obviously it is and they can't make enough profit to make payments). All I care is to get my money. If you say in a week,well,pay me in a week.If you say in a month,well,I may not like and I won't work with you. That's completly up to me but you have to state when you will pay earned money.

The way they are doing it I am not sure how many people will continue to send traffic their way.

yeap i got your point but still we can't do anything about it but to wait.. (if we still want our money earned)
i tried to talk to them and they said

"Still waiting.... im as much annoyed as you and all users ..."

if they gonna pay then its good but if not then we are screwed..
Hey guys.
I've had some problems with video buffering recently. When I click play button everything seems ok, but after a few seconds, buffering logo disappears and there is only black screen, video doesn't play. Do you have the same problem?
According to payouts, just wait. Videowood payment time went worse, but they are still paying. The longest time I had to wait, was 14-17 days. Bigger problem is decreasing video views, probably caused by problem I wrote about above.
I am moving my stuff to openload because one big advantage: you can transfer videos from videowood directly to openload so it's easier to replace videowood doing that way.
@giddy92 hmm i dunno they deleted everyone's video from when they started to 2014 which resulted in thousands of broken embeds/links.

I will wait a week more for videowood for my payment.
Guys.. this is the message i receive just today..
is there any hope left? or is it over?
right now i don't know the answer
videowood is really great i know a lot of us have pending hundreds or even thousand of dollars
but what else can we do?
Can we still wait for them? or is it the time for us to move on?
ive been fighting anyone who against from videowood for a long time
i tried to defend their greatness from anyone who tries to stain their name
but today we can't tell whats going to happen next
i myself still believe in them but its starting slowly fading away..
i still wanted to continue the journey with videowood but still
we need the money to continue to do that
anyhow you guys will be the judge and decide what to do next

from videowood
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