Payments Pending from 2019-12-06
Thanks, i will bookmark your site for later use.
Videos cannot be playedYou will get paid whenever they'll do a payout, don't worry.
Guys we have added more streaming servers and conversation servers. Things should be much better now.
view count getting low
Please add ETH as a payment method.Thank you !Well, From last 2 days we getting most no. of views we got till date with highest reward users made....Totally opposite.
Make sure you don't make a video live before its encoded.
Tier 2 |
Not possible sir.add egypt in
Tier 2
or 3
We won't be adding any host in url support anymore, please use any direct video link which has hotlinking enabled, it should work.Can you please add for remote upload?
Payment pending
You will make the payment before the new year?