Videobb - Make Up to $30 - Upload Videos and Make $$$

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Is there a problem with videobb ? I wait my big payment since one week and the earnings are frozen like other people <_<
Here on statistics it says "Period from 2011-05-30 to 2011-06-06"
But it's not showing Today's earnings (06-06)

Earnings frozen 6-6-2011

Earnings frozen since yesterday and not showing statistics for today 6-6-2011
what's wrong ?hope you fix it.
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Yup VideoBB has always paid on time, so there is no problem regarding that. As for the frozen stats issue I am sure they have their best programmers working on it, dont worry you wont lose any views and all guys. Its VideoBB they always deliver :)
Hey everyone

I'm back again. A lot of you know I do not come on at weekend or public holiday.

For the missing stats on the 6th, techs are looking into it.

For everyone's information, I believe "transfers" have been approved for tor those who have clicked transfer before Sunday. This means for those, they can now press Payout.
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