Videobb - Make Up to $30 - Upload Videos and Make $$$

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hello VBBDave, just few suggestion for your site

add an search box so people will type & search what they want rather than searching it without the search box it's hard to get what we want :(


please show the video views on every video uploads there's nothing for hiding it!

thanks :)

- CyberAff
tbh i'm not talking about my own uploads Solarman! i'm talking about every uploads by you / me / and all users of VBB who's uploading there!

and the search box am talking about is not just for our files! a search like youtube has you can search and get video whatever you want! would be good if VBBDave adds the searchbox on main page of VideoBB :)


you do know that if he did that then the uploads wouldnt be private and those idoits who complain about dmca removal would remove most videos like what they do with megavideo.

Adding a search box would = more dmca removals.
tbh i'm not talking about my own uploads Solarman! i'm talking about every uploads by you / me / and all users of VBB who's uploading there!

and the search box am talking about is not just for our files! a search like youtube has you can search and get video whatever you want! would be good if VBBDave adds the searchbox on main page of VideoBB :)


Ok, I see now. Yeah a search box would be nice and maybe only search those videos that are marked public.
I think search boxes on a public hosting site are avoided by hosting sites due to dmca being honest, look at megavideos search it has never linked to actual full movie uploads usually trailers..

On another note will there be remote upload from vbb to vbb soon
this would be a nice addition to have

Also getting alot of netstream not found today aswell
Yeah he already said there wont be an option to remote from one vbb account to another.. not sure why though.

Hmm that is unfortunate that would have been a nice little addition
even if it was only added when users had over 150GBs of videos
on their account

BTW server38 sucks today for streaming i tested one video there now and it took
2 hours to load a 38 minute video to the end
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