vidbull & vodlocker support

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I got paid on time as usual.. thanks vidbul

Added after 1:

filehoot pays but their affiliate is not correct.. they are paying us wrongly..
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where is the curvature? where?
i was almost sayin where is my cut, where....but not the case anymore
thank you vodlocker
For me openload it gives me 2$ from 1000 views while vodlocker 0.50-0.70 from same traffic.

what about [FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular] ?? did any one try it ?? good or not[/FONT]

Added after 1 Day:

what about ?? did any one try it ?? good or not


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[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular] [/FONT]
, fyi Vidbull and Vodlocker it is one company, both services have the same owner. Vidbull used to pay regularly. Check informations you provided on your vidbull acc, make sure you chose valid payment method and so on.
If you see "This server is in maintenance. Try another link or refresh in few mins" when trying to play your links, be sure these links are permanently gone and you can't restore them in any way. PM me if you need more precise information.
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ty v0

Added after 6 Days 17 Hours:

goin live in 3...2...1...
ty v0
and happy easter
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Anyone else lost all videos on vodlocker ?

oh my god now this is happening on vodlocker too...two hosts are having the same issue. Some are saying this is due to zoom up-loader. Better to change passwords and take security actions available
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Guys, you should really avoid making and repeating one simple mistake. Stop using the same nickname for each account you create in web. If you use the same name for each file hosting site account and forum sites and file/video sharing websites and your email accounts and even your paypal or payza or other online banking accounts, it's like asking people "please come and hack me". Vidbull and Vodlocker have a very very poor protection and that "fancy" blockade is just for decoration. Besides other users can easily dig in your files, copy and past them without your knowledge, cause on mentioned hosting sites no file is private! If you experienced problems with disappearing files, files being moved or deleted, inform website admin/owner.
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