vidbull & vodlocker support

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My payments are pending on both vidbull & vodlocker. Payment method which I selected was Payza.

Are they actually paying? Lets see

I will post, if I get paid.

This is my first payment request

I love WJ
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Well, that is nice to here.
Is there any payment delays?
I am working with other hosts too. Some are very quick on there payments.
I will mention there names here.If it is okay to mention there names in " vidbull & vodlocker support "

Added after 2 Days 23 Hours:

vidbull paid me. :snog: vodlocker still pending. Are both companies are same?
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Just out of interest, does anyone know when next payments are due? I hadn't requested since October last year so have recently requested on both lol.
where do i post

I am having trouble with a website

where can i post about it or do i just have to make new topic?
Has anyone else noticed a change in views on Vidbull?

Still waiting for payment requested Feb 15 :(

Same here. I actually cashed out on February 14, the Sunday. Because they request Sundays. But it says the 15th on my pending payout. And every time I've ever cashed out on the Sunday, they paid by that Wednesday, Thursday at the very latest. But (overthinking it) I actually thought "oh, maybe because my pending payout says February 15, I missed the Sunday cut-off and have to give them another week," which I did, but still nothing. It's this unusual behaviour (at least from my perspective) that's worrying me. Even though they've always paid me, every single time and promptly. Plus they haven't returned my e-mail. Plus others on here aren't getting paid...

Added after 1 Day:

Vidbull paid today via Payoneer. I'm very happy about it. :-) People are still posting on the archived "Official" thread too. Others have been paid.

Added after 1 Day 2 Hours:

I noticed over the past few weeks that my views have dropped quite heavily on Vidbull. I still use Vidbull the same as I ever did. I look at my earnings on Sundays and I'm seeing that last Sunday, Vidbull dropped about 25% of what it is typically is an average and it's going to be 50% less of what it typically is when I calculate on Sunday. If I'm lucky it will be that high. But I have no idea what's going on. I'm finding Vidbull a bit picky these days in that it takes a while for Vidbull to load. So maybe that's the problem? People don't want to wait and go to a different host? No idea really. So I wanted to ask if others have noticed this over the last few weeks with Vidbull.
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Anyone got paid on Vod by payoneer this week?

Added after 20 Hours 57 minutes:

Recieved from Vod! waiting on vidbull since 21.
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