Earn up to $40/10k - Stable affiliate program since 2012

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Thanks all for confirming and feedback! We have some good news!
We have re-enabled wmz and the first payments from this method will go out on March 07th. After that it will continue weekly payouts just like before.

So if you are a wmz member just keep earning and you will get a big payment on March 7th

Thanks :)

Hi admin, example we continue earning until March to request via wmz, will have a lot of money in account maybe over 500$ but we want to request via wmz, that will be difficult for us so much. Therefore in that time, can we request any other method we want ??? Because I want to request via perfectmoney until wmz come back. Thanks :)
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All payza and payoneer payments are completed. Rest will be done soon as well.
We also fixed a site load issue that was effecting the site load time last few days. If you continue to have any such issues please contact us or update here.

Thanks all.
One of my videos is not showing any views yet I'm completely sure people are watching it. I have checked the video and it seems fine. What could be causing this?
Hello vidbull
not received payment in vidbull 2015-01-27
username : mxmx
Status : PAID not paid not income my paypal!!

Vodlocker PAID! Thank vodlocker.Vidbull Not Paid.
WOW, VidBull request 14 February and just been paid, and VodLocker request 6 February and still pending...
Thanks VidBull, waiting for VodLocker payment!!!
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