Earn up to $40/10k - Stable affiliate program since 2012

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Problem unsolved


I tried contacting you twice via vidbull's contact form but I got no answer so I'm posting my problem here.

For 2 weeks I'm having a problem with remote upload.Every time 1-2-3-4 files I've uploaded transform from MB to B after file conversion I presume.The files which are transformed this way are random, the number of these errors are random and so is the time when this occurs.Sometimes it happens right after the upload, sometimes it takes 5-10 minutes.
Of course the files sized in B don't play.

How can we fix this?

thank you.

The problem is still here.Happened again today and I've got no answer from you Vidbull.Help?
If you have activation errors pls try again now.

I still get an error when I try to resend the email activation link

Software error:

SMTP auth() command failed:
Authentication failed: Bad username / password

For help, please send mail to this site's webmaster, giving this error message and the time and date of the error.
Payment received, thank you! vodlocker vidbull

[TABLE="class: tbl1"]
[TR="class: hdr, bgcolor: #3C3A3A"]
[TD="colspan: 4"]Payments history[/TD]
[TR="class: hdr, bgcolor: #3C3A3A"]

[TABLE="class: tbl1"]
[TR="class: hdr, bgcolor: #D3D3D3"]
[TD="colspan: 4"]Payments history[/TD]
[TR="class: hdr, bgcolor: #D3D3D3"]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFFFFF"]2014-10-14[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFFFFF"]$25.33[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFFFFF"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFFFFF"]PAID[/TD]

I still can't activate my accout, I think there's a problem with your STMP srv.
Can you please activate my account manauly? my username is tomy402

Stats update are paused while we do an update today. It will resume tomorrow as usual.While stats are paused you will earn as usual but it will not show up on my report area until tomorrow.

Hello all,

Please check site features and keep us posted if anything is off/not working. Stats will be restored very soon.

why you ignoring me can you please tell me i ask you question

It could have been deleted by an admin due to a complaint. Do you have the file ID to investigate?
If there is enough votes here we can enable emailing a list of removed files to owners. But this will take few days to implement.
Vodlocker and Vidbull is good. :handshake: Fast and clean upload.Good servers connections and fast conversions.Long life two site and long good affiliates :) Simple and best two site.Ideas :

christmas coming idea is contest ;):
Christmas contest? uploaders gifts? or win prizes mobilephone,or laptop,or money?
Uploaders contest? win premium acc or money double rates?2 month and christmas.
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