Earn up to $40/10k - Stable affiliate program since 2012

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Hello, thanks for the feedback.
What is the URL you are trying to upload? Can you please email it to us at support at

Added after 1 12 minutes:

We are fixing the remote URL upload issue. Will update soon.

Added after 2 Hours 19 minutes:

Remote upload issue is fixed. Thanks for your feedback.
Last edited:
@altgani I see that your File ID yh33jwp0ze1c is making money . Please email support if you continue to have issues. Thanks

@sambaker: Can you please email us a file name that was deleted and your user ID? I will check it.
At the moment we keep a file for 30 days without activity.

.. when i tried 2 enter the site : software error :/

+ ill email the support cauz the status start moving but only 6 cent for 400 views :/ ? something is wrong :/
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