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With the same file i get on a different video host this speed with remote upload:
Upload speed: 60830 KB/Sec
Bur with ur site i get now this:
Upload speed: 165 KB/Sec

The difference is gigantic!
What is your upload speed?

Because 60830 KB/Sec = 60Mbps and that is impossible to allow that speed for a single file upload.
Upload speed: 121 KB/Sec very very slow

streamcloud and other offer me speed up to 135 mb/s

and @ singleupload 75 mb/s

upload speed 10 Gbit
replied to your pm

Added after 16 Hours 10 minutes:

Hello All, We are doing a scheduled maintenance work. Expected down time is about 1 hr.
Thank you for your patience.

Added after 13 minutes:

It was done very quickly. Should be up and running again now.
Last edited:
Want to wish everyone who have contributed to this thread and everyone else at WJunction a Happy New Year! :)

We will be making the weekly payment tomorrow night so please make sure your requests are in!

If you would like to see more features in VidBull please post.
Thank you!
W are trying to fix the mkv file support. Will have an update soon.
Also, payments will be done this weekend.

Thank you all.
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