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Exactly, transfer files everyone as fast as possible. Any good advice where we should transfer? I heard about but not sure
Me too, I'm using it as a backup server but it takes a long time to do the remote upload.
Yeah, but its not because of them :( its because of verystream! I'm trying to import to other Host's and they say verystream is super slow right now, it takes 20 minutes to import everywhere. I have 100mbps internet, and it takes 30 minutes to download a 600mb file..
How much store video without views? I cant find on site..

60 days. Only Russian Support. ZDR or Privet.

My first payed 2017.Real Pay.


Fast encoding,fast upload speed,thumbnail switch,simple iframe code,protect link and zoom upload working.
Category selector,tags added...more functions in netu.Domain changer...etc

Not bad only Speak Russian.Haraso ZDR.

Just got the abusive experience warning from Google. I am sure that popups from verystream are the reason of getting the warning. So, I think I also have to stop using it..........
Great service
Sometimes there are videos left with the following message for several days:

The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.

And does not reproduce, is it corrupted and lost?

Any way to clean corrupt links if you have a list of links.
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