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I activate affiliate program on very stream but there is this mesagge :
" Much sorry, nothing to see here
You've decided to not participate in our - very wow - affiliate program."
and nothing more.

Can someone explain me this?
Thanks everyone
is it possible to put up custom thumbnail like in openload,.co
Same as with, it's the option when you right click on a file.

Hello, i'm trying to get all my videos from rapidvideo to verystream and since yesterday its stuck, i have almost 90 videos less than 20 GB i guess...

Started At : 07/09/2019 01:02:30 (its 14:00 for me now GMT -3)
Status: Scanning Account for files...

Its normal take a long long time?
I think rapidvideo has blocked us by now, not sure. We'll check again.

I activate affiliate program on very stream but there is this mesagge :
" Much sorry, nothing to see here
You've decided to not participate in our - very wow - affiliate program."
and nothing more.

Can someone explain me this?
Thanks everyone
You have clicked not to participate in the affiliate program. You can send an E-Mail and request a reset.

wondering if you could allow .rar .zip file upload just like openload has
There are no plans as of now to support non-media files in the future.

Hey! I'm doing very well with your host. I was wondering if it was possible to level up Italy to "such high tier" like other hosts
Depends on what the marketing team says about it, Italy adrates wen't down for almost a year now, maybe they'll start going up again.
hi Verystream:
I have request Payout Confirmation Request e-mail. But after two hours I just get e-mail. website say Much sorry, the link you used expired or was invalid. Please try requesting again!
hi Verystream:
I have request Payout Confirmation Request e-mail. But after nine hours I just get e-mail. website say Much sorry, the link you used expired or was invalid. Please try requesting again!
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