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venusfile is a garbage! Cheater host ! ! !Please do not be fooled!Now, every day, send an email to lie fooled! ! !Please do not waste time! !I am a victim! !

There logo is so gay makes you think this file host is only for porn

wtf is wrong with you? Gay has nothing to do with it. You're showing nothing but ignorance as usual with every post you make.


Those are astrological symbols. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.


This would be gay...I think.
try it, you can use coupon code for premium and test down and up speed, but I dont know how many times he is valid, I used it few weeks ago: venusfile30
wtf is wrong with you? Gay has nothing to do with it. You're showing nothing but ignorance as usual with every post you make.


Those are astrological symbols. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.


This would be gay...I think.

Way off topic but that would be of both genders making it a hermaphrodite.

Venusfile was a dupe also. That being the case they more then likely failed or ran once already.
gr8 akangx now soon his pypal will get limited whether it belong to him or not . gr8 work bz by now stopfilelockers would hve red this topic hehe . Though i think u r hired by venusfile to spam pyment proof here to make others fool that this filehost do pay .

note : I dont use this craap host
How do you remote upload on this site.

I'm trying to transfer my files from FF Premium into my Venusfile account. There is no remote upload option on the upload page. I only see File Upload, Flash Upload, URL Upload.
you can setting in

and save user and password ff with format [ user-:- pass ]

and save

u can directx transload link ff in url upload
got payed after some minutes pending. they really have an exellent service and site is very good.
Hope to get along with them and I am inviting you guys to use them.
Thank you Venusfile, just continue this way :)
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