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I wanted to create a poll but then I thought it would be in wrong section. If I posted in polling section then I wouldn't get suggestions. So left it here xD

I would really like to know why its not a good idea to move to IPB. I don't really see much harm in it. I might loose my katz submissions and google index pages. But the pages will get on my forum home page I guess. As far as I see, IPB doesn't need as many modifications as vB needs so don't see something negative in that either. I might get the current skin ported so not a problem in that too.

If IPB is good then why shouldn't I go with it? Most of you'll said it would be a bad step but I want to ask why?

Will it create some problems?
I think you should try to move it to ipb.
Ipb 3 has a converter witch works great.
I converted my board from phpbb to ipb, and I still do not regret it. :)
If IPB is good then why shouldn't I go with it? Most of you'll said it would be a bad step but I want to ask why?

Will it create some problems?

If Microsoft would start giving Linux instead of Windows users wouldn't like it either because they expect Windows. You current userbase registered because they liked the site as it is. This means not all of them will like a change like converting your site to IPB.

On the other hand, if your sites community isn't active then I guess it wouldn't hurt.

Also, a poll wouldn't be a good idea for these questions. Most members here aren't very subjective and will blindly advice whatever they are using without providing a single valid argument. Nothing wrong with being biased. Hell I'm biased too. But most don't have a clue why they are biased other then "if I/most people use it, it must be the best". Ignorance is the root of..... B-).
Is your site very active community-wise? If not, I'd give it a try. Make a backup so you can revert just in case. If yes, leave it as it is.
Not really active. It gets good amount of members posting on the forum but most are like bots. I have a few members who are kinda active on the community but their % from the total amount of members we have is kinda low.. I take backups every alternate days so no problem about that. I'll have to wait for the skin to get ported atm. I'm just waiting for the final call from InFlames. If its yes, then I might start the procedure. I'll test it under my local host first.
I converted from phpBB3 to IPB !!
I love IP, it doesn't need a lot of mods like phpbb3
Also easy to manage and got a good design and i found out the my members like it.
Rk what people would say is a diff opinion, but u should also have a point of view from your site's members too.

as hyperz said about the windows eg. d same thing applies to u too!!

so better ask in your site too. :)

vB is okay for warez stuff since ipb is more UI and scripts to make it look smooth and nice...

If you had like an other kind of website I'd tell you to switch to IPB...

BUT, vBulletin is shit compared to iPB, they keep making new stuff, not like vbulletin who thinks that putting tabs as navbar is super revolutionary...
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