- Highest Paying network around $65/1000 downloads (Official)

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Thanks usershare for activate PPD plan. I don't care if the files are deleted in my account, but still waiting the pending payment. I hope can you fix all problems. Thanks again usershare. :)
150gb of files are missing from my account.and no stats at all, 100's of downloads and nothing credited,Now please don't come and tell that you will not be able to credit the lost stats this time also,It happened last two times too,You never credited lost stats back.
The files in my account come back, but the download plan it's not active (and buton request payout is disabled). I send MP to him before, explain that, he's testing some things to try to fixing problems.
We have been having alot of issues with our DC , so yesterday night we began moving servers to choopa .There were errors in the transfer and data lost.we will attempt to recover the lost data from FDC servers.

Added after 13 minutes:

Hi but my balance was 0.00 since this day
Please PM me what you mean so we can solve your issue.

even files coming back, you should notice that numbers of files are gradually decreasing.

Were working on this
Seriously sick of this stats issues and etc...etc... gonna get my payment and quit. Every weekend same issue,loosing stats,
No stats issue bro, we explained its a slow download problem, were moving to a better DC, so problems will be over.
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