- Highest Paying network around $65/1000 downloads (Official)

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i hv select pay per sales 1 week ago now i wnt to select pay per download but i cant edit that option please help

Give me your username
usershare you can let me know when will be available in operation WebMoney
We got a reply from webmoney yesterday so we are making progress, still no concrete ETA yet, sry.

Added after 2 Hours 14 minutes:


Down server speeds optmized(Also for ftp server speeds) .Let us know if you have any isues.;)
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sorry to say this...:|

this is the worst site i've ever seen...;)

site opening is so slow....

uploading even slower....

downloading the worst...speed..

and u have restriction of 100 MB Traffic for new user......what's this i cannot understand...;);)

not impressed with the site...;););) - the best filehosting now.

dude...r u new to this world...??

think of filesonic,fileserve,duckload and veteran like megaupload,rapidshare....

provides excellent support,service,offers,speeds...etc

this usershare simply waste as of now...;)need much more improvements...;);)

hope u got it...B-)

sorry to say this...:|

this is the worst site i've ever seen...;)

site opening is so slow....

uploading even slower....

downloading the worst...speed..

and u have restriction of 100 MB Traffic for new user......what's this i cannot understand...;);)

not impressed with the site...;););)

lol ok, pity you cant show stats like most sensible people here.Either way its your opinion that we are the worst lol There are alot of people including myself who can show proof of over 30mbps upload speed and 10mb download ,so you being impressed or not doesn't matter to us :)

Added after 17 minutes: - the best filehosting now.

:)) Don't pay it any mind, we all have our opinon, said the same thing about filesonic couple months ago and now saying they are the best lol..said same about hofile ,maybe just having a bad day lol
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please payout do on my account,I have been waiting 2 times over 2 weeks pending a payment.1time I choose the payment=.WMZ,2 time I choose the payment=PayPal.But the two failed.Please reviewed your account again.And this is the imge on it.

money??????????? my money......
Just checked this , its working .

Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8
Command: FEAT
Response: 211-Features:
Response: MDTM
Response: MFMT
Response: TVFS
Response: MFF modify;;UNIX.mode;
Response: MLST modify*;perm*;size*;type*;unique*;*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;
Response: SIZE
Response: 211 End
Status: Connected
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Command: PWD
Response: 257 "/" is the current directory
Command: TYPE I
Response: 200 Type set to I
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (173,199,123,230,197,70).
Command: MLSD
Response: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for MLSD
Response: 226 Transfer complete
Status: Directory listing successful

u have restriction of 100 MB Traffic for new user......what's this...?? i cannot understand...;);)

so when i upload a file size of 350 MB...people won't able to i right...??

if so...please remove it...other filesharing site don't have such restriction...

hope u respond...

u have restriction of 100 MB Traffic for new user......what's this...?? i cannot understand...;);)

so when i upload a file size of 350 MB...people won't able to i right...??

if so...please remove it...other filesharing site don't have such restriction...

hope u respond...

Don't worry about that, that Traffic is for HotLink.
everything working fine here...
Except this


I guess it should arrive today? Once I learn this, I won't bug you anymore :)
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