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Active Member
I was wondering if us member can get a mod permissions to lock and unlock our own topics? I think that would be a really great it.

What do you guys think about this idea? Makes us have some more control over our own topics.
I think it would have pros and cons like said above.

- Topic out of hand no need for a mod
- When sold the item or got help or what ever could close without the need of a mod

- Closing topics for no reason
True but for the topic to close it should have a reason. If there is a group of people talking about something and then you just decide to close it, I don't think it is right.

Don't take it wrong I think its a good idea but I thought of this before on adding it to my site(s) and never did. there were more cons I just can't think of them atm
well what if somebody had a dispute, and the person closed the thread to avoid being flamed? It would require a moderator, and as such, renders the mod useless.
Theres no need for this to be honest, if you want a thread closed just report the thread when you see a moderator online and it will be closed ASAP. :)
Sorry ACE but I have to decline this one lol.

It would be hellish. One example: if someones thread isn't going the way they want it = locked. Then the user(s) wanting to reply create another thread on the same topic. Redundant.

There's a reason why mods should only have the ability to close threads, and that's to maintain equality and more or less some sanity on here xD.
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