- Video and File hosting | Earn Up to $45

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Oct 8th, All Payza payments sent.
We are waiting for WMZ fund upload so will try to do wmz tomorrow.

When shall be the next round of Webmoney Payout?
We are waiting for money to upload to our WMZ. It should be done tomorrow. I will update here

I have $12.61725 in balance can you pay to My WMZ (as no longer adult file upload allowed)
user : isco

u can see WMZ in my account also PM:ed you it now.

You can wait till your account is $15 as long as your files are legal.

why no longer adult content allowed ?
We are a new host and it seems it is hard to get credit card with adult stuff. We are not sure yet but need more experience with our payment model. I see some hosts are able to do PPD+ PPS and some only has PPD model. I assume with PPD model only we will be able to provide much better service but we will study how things go first.

please admin
I have $14.277 in balance can you pay to My payza
user : masterdz
We are paying WMZ tomorrow so you will have $15 by then
I like this host
so nice
Thank you

still no reply...

I sent messages everywhere but no answer...

or you pay only those members who have 10-20$ ?
Those paypal payments are pending a review by them. Also I think most of these payments were not legit because we had 0% download but rules states 100% download is needed to make money.

@Lawina. So where is your payza email? Also are you going to remove those posts that said we are scam?
As you can see everyone here who request from payza is getting paid. You are the only exception
wow...what is this?are you sure?...''Those paypal payments are pending a review by them...''why you lie?after 3 weeks you still have pb whith paypal?...and tell where is come my dls?if you say is not make everyting just to not pay all money wright?hmm...just send me a list where is come my dls and tell me what is not legit because i do not waiting
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@Azot. I am not saying not legit. It was counted even 0% downloads. We only pay for 100% downloads.
btw what is your user ID, we fixed this issue and now the rates are normal. You should see the difference.
@Azot. I am not saying not legit. It was counted even 0% downloads. We only pay for 100% downloads.
btw what is your user ID, we fixed this issue and now the rates are normal. You should see the difference.

PM sent

expect answer

still no reply...still no money :))) and you say you are honest wright?

i sent you user id but now no reply and no money

you paid everyone and you do not want to pay me

My payza account is FULL at my account ...
also my private adres is full , so way you say where is my payza account ......... just look in my account ....

Again proof of my account :

how much you have to got from him?

still expect payment that has been made in paypal...or money back to him but not paid me in payza...

is very interesting that he pays only those who have 10 - 20$

lawina - I think it's time to report it to admin to take necessary measures because he does not pay everyone

he just cheating us
No i wait till this week is past ...

i have again send pm to usefile and there are many users that have received payment ...

so i wait and see ...

Payment received :)
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