- Video and File hosting | Earn Up to $45

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Ok then please see my reply to @jogue28.
Stats are working fine and updated almost live.

NO, its not! It has got stuck and in REPORTS tab you even can not see the stats for October 24... Only 23... :thumbdown: I even registered to another filehost for testing reasons (as i thought maybe problems with forums im posting), and everything began to "move"-i've got 2 downloads in a 10 minutes :/ And with usefile files... it stands frozen and even one cent was not added till yesterday mid-day :/ Please check-ive sent my nickname PM. THANKS.
what con be a great host , is turn them self out off business

it start with NO porn files anymore and now push down loaders to buy premium with that limit to 700mb files

R.I.P usefile
I left this host 2 weeks ago

My payment was $ 130 and received only $ 20...and the reason was that my downloads were not complete

I at that moment I realized that this host is not serious

and now this limitation for users who want to download :))))

Thank God I left this host:psy::psy::psy:
What a mistake.. The beginning of this filehost looked so promising :/ Cool design, reliable admin etc. And now... Turning to s*it-host like many crappy hosts who appeared for few months and disappeared...

Wrote to admin here on PM, also wrote on site's contacts tab.. NO ANSWER.

Stats are frozen like s*hit! And today is October 25, but guess what-stats are showing October 23 and.. thats all. :facepalm:



Time to say goodbye i guess. If they do not allow +700mb downloads.. Its a sign that host is going to die and disappear-typiacal symptoms: frozen stats, not answering to questions, bulls*its about "we are upgrading servers etc, thats why temporary problems blah blah..". Its a pity. Looked so promising.

like many other hosts, we try many different things to survive. This is specially true in the beginning of an experiment.
As I told you guys before we are having storage shortages and your downloads may be effected by that.

If you cared to read my previous posts you will also notice that we are adding more capacity this week.
So have some patience. BTW for those who cry in this thread and left us, last week we paid more than $3000 to affiliates (It's only our 4th payment!).

I see many file hosts with better ranking force users to buy premium packages so we are trying some of that. After all we also have a PPS plan as well :)
BTW for those who cry in this thread and left us, last week we paid more than $3000 to affiliates (It's only our 4th payment!).

Everybody cries not because you've paid 3000$ to affiliates (ironic).. But 'cause your hosting begins to show the signs whose had scam-hosts in the past (signs usually occured before collapse): not answering, frozen stats and lying that this because "upgrading, improving etc" (strange "COINCIDENCE"-not even in one case it was impossible to BUY premium from these s*it-hosts.. "UPGRADING" only affects uploaders and their money and in no way s*hit-hosts owners' money :?:).

I hope you will not turn to this scam-host as i was saying-your site is very cool and the beginning looked very promising. Besides, thanks. After posting here my stats revived today... will see what's happening in the future...
"UPGRADING" only affects uploaders and their money

I hope you will not turn to this scam-host as i was saying-your site is very cool and the beginning looked very promising. Besides, thanks. After posting here my stats revived today... will see what's happening in the future...

Hi, uploading will definitely improve both our and uploaders earnings. because more and more downloaders will use us if the speeds and service is good. This will also improve uploading speeds. If the servers are full and no one can download from them your stats will be frozen. We have added more servers yesterday for both regular and FTP uploads. So all new uploads will have better conversions. Early next week we have scheduled another capacity upgrade.

u would get sales allowing porn, just think about it why all the others allow it

We will consider re-enabling this in the future after we figure out premium sale methods.
If the servers are full and no one can download from them your stats will be frozen. We have added more servers yesterday for both regular and FTP uploads. So all new uploads will have better conversions. Early next week we have scheduled another capacity upgrade.

If its true then NICE TO HEAR THAT :sun: Thanks for explanation!

Besides-thanks, stats are alive for now as i see. Let us all hope your host will look so good as it began its "career" ;)
And when will you do this?

- File remove for inactivity is 30 days for registered users

First you delete my files after 7 days and now after 12 days, also files which was downloaded.

Same here gigas deleted after some days. Bad experience with this host. If are 30 days need to be 30... Change the info in your site and put 5 days or limit the storage for free user to 500mb.
please fix remote upload from filefactory.
I put my filefactory premium account in remote site premium setting, but i still can't remote upload from filefactory.

thanks :)
When are you paying the webmoney guys this time?
Doing it now so in the next hour you should get it

please fix remote upload from filefactory.
I put my filefactory premium account in remote site premium setting, but i still can't remote upload from filefactory.

thanks :)
We are working to fix this and will update you here once done.

As per all the other issues we are working very hard to improve the capacity and download speeds by adding more servers soon. Should see much better performance by the end of this week.

Thanks all
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