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Payza added

1. We have added Payza as a payment method and first round of payments will be done this Monday
2. We have fixed FTP file duplicate issue
3. Fixed the file not available error with FTP uploads

hello admin
my usr id : Files of masssinissa
im request my payment with payza hi sad pay me bet im not recive payment
Hello, I do not see your payment request can you please double check to see if it is done?
We will pay all Payza requests by this Monday

Usefile - when you solve the problem with paypal?
Still working on it will update you soon

Can you add Czech Republic to tier C ? Thanks
Please submit this request after first month we will evaluate how it perform

I request via payoneer
Do you already have a payoneer account? We are working on way to link your account to ours will be done next week.

any news about webmoney or payza ? :-?
Payza added now, you can request money from it

I cant register :/ , I dont receive confirmation mail, my account is federicosis
I resent your activation email to your hotmail account. PLease check your junk email folder as well

any news about webmoney
It seems the ways to upload money to webmoney is really shady. I am looking for a legit way we can do this as a business

how abote my payment admin ?
We will be making a round of Payment this monday using payza. We have also added perfect money.
Soon to be added webmoney
And the balance suspended. What to do in PayPal.
Please answer this question.

Hello as per the paypal we are working to resolve it and there is nothing to be done at the moment.
Once the issue is resolved we will issue your payment again.

IN the mean time you can request payment via Payoneer, Payza, or Perfectmoney.
I request payment via Perfect Money, what can I change my payment request to Payza? and cancel via Perfect Money..? thanks :) id : kocok
hi admin
I made my request for payment on 3012/09/15
is what I read is Montione paid but I did not received money in my account payza


I can not applya
dmin please send me the money in my payza address
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