USA Wants Global Disconnecting of Filesharers

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Lol Brandon shut up with your patriotic shit. You, just that kind of thing keeps your war mongering goverment in power.
Id hoped you have learned by now, no one can defeat a muslim nation and you still go and die there. Now i must say that is stupid.
From what I know, USA has a bigger army than China. US certainly in top 5, and certainly isn't the strongest. (Attacks have proven that) also US doesn't stand a chance against the world.

'm pretty sure China has the largest army in the world. It's then is close between U.S., India, and Russia. I'm not saying they want to take on the world :| but I don't see anyone going to war with U.S. and coming out on top these days.

Lol Brandon shut up with your patriotic shit. You, just that kind of thing keeps your war mongering goverment in power.
Id hoped you have learned by now, no one can defeat a muslim nation and you still go and die there. Now i must say that is stupid.

I take it you are Muslim? Nothing against your people or beliefs, but they got smashed. I think you misunderstand the word defeat. You are making it sound like once every Muslim is gone they are defeated Lol.
Ha ha ha ha, USA is broke. If China stops financing your huge deficit USA goes down the sewer. 8-)
Monopoly money is worth a lot more than dollar bills now :D
Copyright Treaty Is Policy Laundering at Its Finest

The blogosphere is abuzz over an apparently leaked document showing the United States trying to push its controversial DMCA-style notice-and-takedown process on the world. But since Threat Level already lives in the land of the DMCA, we’re more bothered by the fact that the U.S. proposal goes far beyond that 1998 law, and would require Congress to alter the DMCA in a manner even more hostile to consumers.

At issue is the internet section of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement being developed under a cloak of secrecy by dozens of countries. The leaked document is a three-page European Commission memo written by an unnamed EU official, which purports to summarizes a private briefing given in September by U.S. trade officials.

The language in the Sept. 30 memo shows the United States wants ISPs around the world to punish suspected, repeat downloaders with a system of “graduated response†— code for a three-strikes policy that results in the customer eventually being disconnected from the internet with the ISP alone deciding what constitutes infringement and fair use.

While the proposal specifically says that three strikes wouldn’t be mandated, it might as well be. That’s because companies that refused to implement the policy would be ejected from the “safe harbor†that otherwise protects them from copyright infringement lawsuits over the actions of their customers.

Currently, the DMCA grants immunity or a “safe harbor†to internet companies that promptly remove allegedly infringing content at the request of the copyright holder. Only if they fail to do so can they be held liable in court, and face up to $150,000 in damages per infringement.

Under the U.S. proposal described in the memo, removing infringing content would no longer be enough to qualify for safe harbor. Companies would have to actively work to combat the flow of unauthorized copyrighted material through their pipes, and specifically implement the “graduated response†program.

Here is the key paragraph:

“On the limitations from 3rd party liability: to benefit from safe-harbours, ISPs need to put in place policies to deter unauthorized storage and transmission of IP infringing content (ex: clauses in customers’ contracts allowing, inter alia, a graduated response). From what we understood, the US will not propose that authorities need to create such systems. Instead, they require some self-regulation by ISPs.â€

Threat Level obtained the document on condition it not be posted, and we haven’t independently verified its authenticity, or that it accurately reflects the positions of the U.S. trade representatives. The document indicates the U.S. refused to turn over anything in writing itself, and briefed EU representatives on the plan orally in the hope of avoiding leaks.

The Obama administration has been obsessively secretive about the draft ACTA treaty — even, at one point, claiming national security could be jeopardized if the proposed treaty’s working documents were disclosed to the public. Now, it seems, we know what the administration is hiding.

Obama hasn’t asked Congress to implement a three-strike policy, which could anger consumers and watchdog groups. But if the administration gets three strikes written into ACTA, and the United States signs and ratifies the treaty, Congress would be obliged to change the DMCA to comply with it, while the administration throws its hands in the air and says, “It wasn’t our idea! It’s that damn treaty!â€

That practice is common enough to have a name: policy laundering.

Language in the leaked text throws open the door to ISP filtering for unauthorized content, though there’s no way for filters to know whether the material constitutes fair use. That plan is similar to a proposal by the Motion Picture Association of America, which wants ISPs to filter for unauthorized motion pictures.

The three-strike language would be gold to companies like MediaSentry, which browse peer-to-peer networks for infringing content, and identify a user’s IP address and ISP. MediaSentry’s work was crucial in the RIAA’s 6-year-long litigation campaign that amounted to about 30,000 copyright lawsuits against individual file sharers using Kazaa, Limewire and other services.

Until today, the most alarming thing in the proposed ACTA treaty has been the secrecy surrounding it. But now the threat level is higher. It seems the executive branch would rather negotiate with other nations, instead of its own elected officials, about the future of a free and open internet.

Source: and

You just keep going around the forum spreading your fear shit in any thread. Why don't you STFU you pampas ass.
I take it you are Muslim? Nothing against your people or beliefs, but they got smashed. I think you misunderstand the word defeat. You are making it sound like once every Muslim is gone they are defeated Lol.
No im not Muslim im just looking at the facts. And the facts are that even if the USA defeated Iraq they did not, they are still being killed there.
when all would be going good on this world, I will respect every copyright and I would not tolerate warez.

But the truth is, the world is not going in the right direction and the things right now are not ok.

In Africa peoples are dieing of starving because other are greety and wants all the money in the world for them. The money distribution system in this world is very bad.

So why not upload a few applications, movies or porn and make a few dollars, in order for me to live a decent life or help some people to have access to some movies which they cannot affort, because of the bad money distribution.
Big companies make thousands of dollars every anyway, how much do they donate to the poor people? somewhere between 0-1% !
I want to find the most highest up person for anti-piracy and kick him in the nuts..but if it's a girl, punch her fallopian tubes as well as ovaries. It will teach them a lesson..a DXS lesson. :D

I still like my idea.
USA can kiss my arse, and as much as I hate the EU, they won't allow this, it would be in breach of our human rights :)

FYI, I am not opposed to the DMCA policy as is, it serves to protect regular people more than it does companies and corporations, complying with it allows some room for plausible deniability.
Just wait for the New World Order to happen, file sharing will be the least of our worries I bet we end up paying to breath the air in our lungs :(
Tell me how New World Order will happen, the US could get so many allies on it's side it would make any war to overthrow the US a waste of time. US+UK alone can rock just about anything.
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