US jobs will not go to India: Obama

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It shows Obama is a thinking man and cares for his country and its citizens. Good on him. American jobs should be reserved exclusively for Americans and not people of some other country even though they will work for peanuts.

Man this is like totally true.
Obama had said this before, still no action have been taken. The corporate companies having overseas branches will stick to their current plans & routine. They'll not change as per government's plan, as America is a Capitalist country, so the government there has less control on the private sector. As the major out-sourcing companies are a part of the Private Sector, so, the "Obama Command" can be out-ruled :)

If, this circumstance would have occurred in China (and other Communist nations) then they could forcibly implement this act to boycott the outsourcing strategy. The reason behind this is that, China is a Communist nation, and communism means, Citizens come first, then comes profit.

So, the bottom line is, no use of the "Obama Command" as none will follow it :p
It shows Obama is a thinking man and cares for his country and its citizens. Good on him. American jobs should be reserved exclusively for Americans and not people of some other country even though they will work for peanuts.
Bro do't mean that indian or others can't work in america he meaned no organisation of america will take helps from india. they did't means indian they meaned India, germeny..

Better check this wiki

who hates to read too much
BPO is typically categorized into back office outsourcing - which includes internal business functions such as human resources or finance and accounting, and front office outsourcing - which includes customer-related services such as contact center services.

BPO that is contracted outside a company's country is called offshore outsourcing. BPO that is contracted to a company's neighboring (or nearby) country is called nearshore outsourcing.

Indians check this -
They're made and assemblied in China - Yes. Where are they designed and created on paper and computer? USA. Brains are in the right country and the labor is in the right country. 'nuff said about that.

Also, hoorah for Obama. Contradicting his points only means you are a moron since a country is supposed to provide jobs for I dunno, THEIR FUCKING CITIZENS.

another super intelligent person bravo bravoooo! please can you just pleaseeee tel me this one ok! so mister intelligent, WHERE do you think do all does smart people that the plans come from america come????? certainly arent american! you only know to BUY knowledge BUY, not produce! o yeah iphone 4 will get you our of bankruptcy and crisis, are you people aware how much you are in-depth to chine, russia etc??? omg they could buy your asses off! just need to turn off the tap! and in next 24h chaos! stop watching so much asshole holywood movies, its really duming you down, too much military "super-powerness-greatness" it just isnt real, ooops oil leak!
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