Like your site
Bookmarked. I will give it a try
Thank you and welcome to urle
Like your site
Bookmarked. I will give it a try
Is "" & "" also your company? The same script the same plan [Similar] or They are copying you...Lemmi know
I need help, I do not receive payment from June 11, notice from is payment via webmoney will be paid from June 20 but until now i still do not receive the money my ac: downloadgameps3
I am gonna join you guys from today.
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Thank you for fast payment and all that effort that you do for us admin, till now i got 114 dollars never had any problem and the site is good and don't bother the visitors with ads i advise everyone to join this site, trust me you will never regrette also it have high CPM, thanks to the admin and support team.[/FONT]
[h=1]Forbidden[/h][FONT="]You don't have permission to access / on this server.[/FONT]
[FONT="]Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Website not working why ?[/FONT]
Sorry, but I am not going to spend my Sunday evening to check all the links you posted;
13 new topics *3 links *8 popups + new tabs = minimum 312 pop-ups!
Maybe one gets some extra bonus credits (read payout rates) when using the link protector, but for me it's a no-no.
I've added our Administrator and a co-Mod to this conversation.
You may want to send the Admin a PM and if he says that I must make your posts visible in the future, then I will do that, but the today posted topics are gone to the dustbin, sorry.
Start using 3 weeks ago. Download and sales drop down. Got several messages like this one from users and forums admins. Is it possible to make 1 or 2 pop-ups???
Sorry, but I am not going to spend my Sunday evening to check all the links you posted;
13 new topics *3 links *8 popups + new tabs = minimum 312 pop-ups!
Maybe one gets some extra bonus credits (read payout rates) when using the link protector, but for me it's a no-no.
I've added our Administrator and a co-Mod to this conversation.
You may want to send the Admin a PM and if he says that I must make your posts visible in the future, then I will do that, but the today posted topics are gone to the dustbin, sorry.
Start using 3 weeks ago. Download and sales drop down. Got several messages like this one from users and forums admins. Is it possible to make 1 or 2 pop-ups???
How you are you sir and how can I help you? You want maximal to pops then make you account in our other site on urle we have the most best rates (at least $2) this is a reason why lot of ads. Urle is there who want make money! Sharinkstar is there to earn not so much money but with only 1-2 pops. In the world are different people. Some one tell me I don't matter ads I just want make maximal money. Other one just want minimal ads and a lil bit money. Anybody know here we give excellent service with one of the best rates. So don't loose your time sir.