Urle.co - Up to $60/10k - No Captcha - Count up to 3x - Referral Bonus

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Stats are just pathetic :facepalm: compared to shorte that I used from more than a year, goodbye ....


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][/FONT][FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]"yesterday we post this text...."[/FONT][FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]

Dear user,[/FONT]

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]you can see we have last time so many server downs and we try to fix this... [/FONT]

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]We using readymade script since 3 weeks now we starting and any time is any problem there with this script.[/FONT]

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Since 4 weeks we working on [/FONT]own script and in 6-12 hours we gonna be done and present you our new site.

Powerfully php script with great design and easy to use for everyone.

Readymade scripts have so many bugs and owner of this script have never time for support (800+ clients and he's alone).

We gonna have now own admin, own script, own security team and quick support/payment like on start.

But... 1 problem is there. Since 3 weeks we start with this readymade script, our database is over 600MB big (yea thats right!)

We can't import this and new script have not so many option like readymade script but we go start again without any bugs in future!

All you links gonna be deleted but in future you gonna have never this offline problem.

We can stay with this readymade script but what if you have problems with counter and site is any time down, this is not great idea for us and for you.

Our new script is just made for us and for you! No more readymade scripts!

After you join our new site in few hours you all would need to register again and generate links new.

All panding payments gonna be pay next 24 hours with $1 bonus! All you need is send us a email on admin(at)urle.co with your username on urle.co and money what is panding (if you cant see this, just tell us so we can proof this for you).

This all we do just for you. Readymade scripts can use anybody but this is not our goal!

On start we never know that we get over 2.000 visitors per min! This readymade script was not ready for so much traffic.

Our new script would not have any problems with this traffic. We have new dedi server with ssd's now and we hope in future would be everything fine.

If you have any quastions, feel free to conact us. Don'y worry about your panding payments. All our user would be pay like allways.

Best regards,

P.S. urle.co is and would stay No. 1 shortner. Withdraw/payment any 30-60 min, 50x a day gonna stay for you! No more waiting 24 hours or a week.

we proof final check... I would say max. 1-2 hours.

You all would be contact here.


P.S. new design you would love it!

Added after 5 Hours 56 minutes:

@all user.

our new script is ready and you can start to test it.

If you see any bugs, then contact us on support (at) urle.io

Script is in beta modus. In moment you can see just paypal as withdraw. If you want Skrill, Bitcoin or Payza method then please send us a email after withdraw your payment.

Clicks are counted up to 5x per IP/24 hours.

We know you would have many quastions... Please send us 1 emain in one and because we cant reply like 500 mails in 12 hours...

New script and server would not make any problems in future.

In moment we do not put ads on our site because need 2-3 days for this... So we let you not wait and you can short links in moment without any ads!

We hope you all gonna enjoy with our new script and design.

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can you please wait 2-3 hours so all user can check the new script and our new design. Thanks.


we gonna check this... But google links are spam for us... Try something other like any forum. news. youtube, facebook... Do some test links please

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