Urle.co - Up to $60/10k - No Captcha - Count up to 3x - Referral Bonus

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you a good site but you don't count my view on adult forum :(


we count from any forum special from adult forum. So don't know what is a problem.

If you still got a problem then pm me or send me a mail with your username to check.

I can tell you we count any click no matter where is coming from!

i tested my own link with a few adult forum , weird , all my click not counted , but it does count view on my own blog , while ouo and linksrink counted all my click on my blog and on those adult forum , i would like to use your service as your minimum payout is low and fast payment , anyway i will try to test it again since you said all traffic is accept and thank you for clarifying

ok i know why my view not counted because you do not count adblock view ,anyway hope you can count adblock view as 99% of my viewer are adblock user :(
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i tested my own link with a few adult forum , weird , all my click not counted , but it does count view on my own blog , while ouo and linksrink counted all my click on my blog and on those adult forum , i would like to use your service as your minimum payout is low and fast payment , anyway i will try to test it again since you said all traffic is accept and thank you for clarifying

ok i know why my view not counted because you do not count adblock view ,anyway hope you can count adblock view as 99% of my viewer are adblock user :(

Hey there,

yeah, you right! We do not count views from adblock but... We have a company who work on our complete new script with GEO and lot more function.

In 4-6 weeks is our own script ready to be tested and used for all user and.... We gonna coded a function to force all visitors to deactive adblock if they wanna get file/link.

So dont worry... Our new script would be no more readymade script! It would be amazing with lot of function!


P.S. you got any idea what for function we need?! Just tell me and let build together a great and stable script! Our coder working day and night for us
ok thanks for replying my question , and i know you're a serious company and will not close down anytime but as a user , all i want is my view is counted and get pay , i don't mind what function i can get as long as it can help me bring earning to my account , basically i like your site but i don't think i can earn much if you only count non adblock view for my traffic , i also not understand why you cannot count adblock view like other site do , i believe your user will be much happy if you able to count adblock view even with lesser rate .
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ok thanks for replying my question , and i know you're a serious company and will not close down anytime but as a user , all i want is my view is counted and get pay , i don't mind what function i can get as long as it can help me bring earning to my account , basically i like your site but i don't think i can earn much if you only count non adblock view for my traffic , i also not understand why you cannot count adblock view like other site do , i believe your user will be much happy if you able to count adblock view even with lesser rate .

On this readymade script in the moment is not possible to accept adblock traffic.
like i say... We get new script and adblock views would be accepted in future.

Have a good day to all specially to admin please update the counts per ip it shows only 1 view.

We have update the counts.

@ahbonus yes, you can!


Added after 1:

waiting payment

All user was payed sir. What is your username?

Added after 7 minutes:

webmoney is not available in dropdown of payment account details ?

Webmoney would be available soon
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Its ok admin. Have a nice day

Added after 4 Days 1:

1 view per ip again?

1 view per ip again

Added after 20 Hours 1:

Please update again the views admin. Thank you
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Hello Admin

Do you count adblock users ??

Also you should block vk users .. I know some guy who spam your links in the russian social network vk to earn more money

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Hello Admin

Do you count adblock users ??

Also you should block vk users .. I know some guy who spam your links in the russian social network vk to earn more money


In the moment we do not count adblock clicks but this would come on next update sir.


P.S. we gonna check traffic and user from vk. Thank you

Added after 1:

Its ok admin. Have a nice day

Added after 4 Days 1:

1 view per ip again?

1 view per ip again

Added after 20 Hours 1:

Please update again the views admin. Thank you

Sometimes we change max views. It's mean now count 1 click and in few hours 2. if we have lot of traffic then put on 2 views per ip/24h

Added after 5 Days 8 Hours:

Dear user,

we are searching for webmaster with big traffic...

You got a site with big traffic?! Send a proof with screenshot on admin@urle.co and register on urle.co

short your links with us and after 7 days we send you start bonus with $50 after we check you weekly traffic.
Payment via (paypal, payza, skrill and bitcoin)

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i dont know how can i help you?!

We count up to 2x clicks per ip/24h

you are in the moment the only one how not happy with you statistics?! Maybe you change something on you site or something else...

We never change our system, all traffic you see on your statistics is a real traffic and we got over 1000 happy user.

Anyway.... Good luck in the future.


Added after 6 Days 17 Hours:

NEW: --> Webmoney (WMZ) now available as payment method!!
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