Uptobox.com Discussion Thread

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I also have a premium account and I have been sent a message that in 7 days I delete the files that have not received activity of the 11 Tb that I have in the account

PS I feel my English, I use a translator
Hello everyone,

Instead of lying to you about files retention, we inform you Uptobox is not a cold storage service.

Our service is made to offer you the ability to share your files easely.

If you want a cold storage service, you can move to a platform made for these kind of use.

You also have to understand it's not possible to offer cold storage for less than 20$ per year, go on amazon and check for the price of an hard disk.

And before deleting your inactives files, we send you an email to inform, and we ask you to clean your account manually during the next 7 days (adjustable if contact), to avoid important files to be deleted.

Only after that and without reply from the concerned users, we delete some files (not all) on the account.

We are doing this since 2 years, and users are understanding because we explain (when they reply to our email or go on our support platform) clearly things.

We hope the situation is clear now.

Best regards,

Hello everyone,

Instead of lying to you about files retention, we inform you Uptobox is not a cold storage service.

Our service is made to offer you the ability to share your files easely.

If you want a cold storage service, you can move to a platform made for these kind of use.

You also have to understand it's not possible to offer cold storage for less than 20$ per year, go on amazon and check for the price of an hard disk.

And before deleting your inactives files, we send you an email to inform, and we ask you to clean your account manually during the next 7 days (adjustable if contact), to avoid important files to be deleted.

Only after that and without reply from the concerned users, we delete some files (not all) on the account.

We are doing this since 2 years, and users are understanding because we explain (when they reply to our email or go on our support platform) clearly things.

We hope the situation is clear now.

Best regards,

Can you upgrade my account username savke

Hi, suddenly upload speed is very low at one of my server?

I tried to upload to Googledrive and 1fichier, no issues at all. However on my other server speed is fast as always.
hi guys have a question. if buy premium and store some terabyres but i share all files. some will get daily, week downloads but someone may not have downloads on months. theses files will stay on my account? and hen i got a dmca you let us download the files before delete em?

EDIT: Uptobox.com launch Uptostream.com. You can now stream your files and they are available in HD (360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p, 4K UHD) on all platforms.
Uptobox and Uptostream are complementary, your premium works on each side. No limits!!!

Uptobox.com is free and fast file sharing service.

We operate since more than 5 years now and offer a very qualitative service to all our users, free and premium.

The storage space offered begin at 1TB for free users, and is unlimited our premium users.

[STRIKE]You can store files up to 50GB each.[/STRIKE]
EDIT Jan/17: You can store files up to 200GB each.

The download speed is unlimited, for all our users.

If you have popular files, you can exchange your points with a premium subscription.

1 UTB point = 1000 downloads from anywhere.

If you have questions, requests, you can send the at Uptobox - Powered by Kayako Fusion Help Desk Software

We hope you'll like our service!

Uptobox.com Team.
hi admin, i just premium recently, there are little bit problem, is it ftp too slow, since i cannot move a huge of google drive into uptobox by ftp, and vice versa, do any method can move file between them, since ftp only have root directory and slow speed, it cannot backup google drive by ftp, i use air explorer to do that, however air explorer do not have uptobox, only ftp available to do that!
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do anyone know how to transfer uptobox files drrectly to google drive for backup rather than direct download, i knew uptobox direct download is very fast...

by contrast, can i transfer google drive to uptobox, for second backup?

if it can do it, it is very useful for uptobox, can input and output to enhance its advantage
copy and paste, to other place is fast, is a huge advantage than other source
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hi admin, if your side can use files im player to compound together, it may be perfect!

i knew your side download is so fast, and uptostream is smooth, only cannot play original quality...

if i can join files im player, it is good qualiyy for video, then your side is perfect

only 360p is wasting your platoform, and if your side can have own api, upload, download and transfer thru cloud drive, then more ppl to come, just an advice, i am new beginner for your premium users this month!
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