thank you admin, so i was excited to work with you but than i saw that bitcoin minimum payout is 100 could you please make it like 20 because i use bitcoin and that minimum is so much please, thank you.
This one is really good i like it. Juste the problem is like shrinkcx said. That happens to me only on firefox.
Will back to first one after fix issue.


Same error with chrome ( Only <iframe> code embed integration )

But work with embed code without <iframe> integration

Can you restore the old player or correct the error please ?

Thanks & Regards,

This issue from player, we will fix it.
do you count downloads?

No, only views.

Best regards!
I think that the blue player, the one that you needed to click the icon for the subs to show, was faster than all those, even the old. The buff was alot faster. Or at least i think so.
I think that the blue player, the one that you needed to click the icon for the subs to show, was faster than all those, even the old. The buff was alot faster. Or at least i think so.

We back now to first one, other 2 players one not work subtitles with HLS and second blue player have some error at firefox.

So we will fix both and choose the best one of them to use as main player.

Best regards!

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