Upstore Discussion thread

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some days, as a free leecher I get about 10 Kb/s the whole day, and other days 50-60 constantly, seems weird if there is no option to set up custom speeds. And servers were down sometimes, is this happening a lot recently, is this a problem with this file host, or nothing to worry?
yep, same here, great big sales in the begging of month but zero rebills

Added after 13 Hours:

site is down last few hours. . .
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No error message, it just wouldn't open a window to pick files to upload. Even after multiple refreshing. It is, however, working OK now.
UPgrade premium is not available :( I have bought a new premium account for my customer and very unluckily, payment was sent and premium was not applied !
"Chargeback is the return of funds to a consumer"

buyers who bought premium through you (you got 50%) , took ther money back (refund), now upstore is taking the money back from you (50%) ..
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