Upstore Discussion thread

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this is not good the time just keep changing now its again 10:00 but on 28 June i mean come on UPS don't risk credibility like that even if u gonna leave leave with dignity now how any one will believe the new time stamp
omg.. all my files uploaded from 27May till now are not available.. i hope they will fix this other way this is disaster if we lost files from 1 month...
"Dear friends! We're working on system updates at the moment, that is why some files can be unreachable at the moment and upload is not function. We've already added 5 bonus premium days to all our customers. Sorry for the inconvenience."
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Dear friends! We're working on system updates at the moment, that is why some files can be unreachable at the moment. We've already added 5 bonus premium days to all our customers. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Official announcement of Upstore in accounts.
what's bad about all this is such a big maintenance or change needed to be announced before the down time now they are up with no stats and they say 5 days premiums more for all users okay what about uploaders ??
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