are you fix webupload?
Still working on it.
After successfully uploaded from rdp, don't shows any files on manager?
I hate your web-upload for selecting one by one file, its more wasting time, kindly make multiple select files.
are you working to support zoom-uploader?
this tool is great for uploader,
as we know your FTP down for 1 week, you never fix anything.
are you giving me back my old active deleted files up on account?
So why deleted active files>
I am posted only your host, no mirror uploaded. so downloader can't completed without part3. is it cheating
Limits for free users:
- Not downloaded files delate after 30 days
so I don't have part3 files. and none of your uploading method (web/ftp) working here? as a non-premium user, I can't use your remote feature.
give me back all old active files on my account? I have no problem with inactive files.
do you understand this?
Downloaders can't trust your host, as you deleted files with unknown reason?