payment please my id is lmanaos
We have found that you are trying to cheat with our referral earnings and thus we rejected your payment this time. Please note that cheating activities are strictly prohibited and your account will incur a permanent ban.

have someone can help me ?
I waiting the payment from 2011-11-23 ,
but until 2011-12-28 not payout .
and today i look like that , i dont know what happen ,
have someone can help me here ?
please , i want pay out !!!!!
my account name : abc78916
We have found that you are trying to cheat with our referral earnings and thus we rejected your payment this time. Please note that cheating activities are strictly prohibited and your account will incur a permanent ban.
payment failed?
user: aplicaos
We have found that you are trying to cheat with our referral earnings and thus we rejected your payment this time. Please note that cheating activities are strictly prohibited and your account will incur a permanent ban.
Hello, I login my account in your website got "user disabled!", but login via ftp without problem.
Please help me to fix this problem. Thanks.
username: checkmail (premium account)
Your account has been banned because you cheat with our referral earnings.
status ??.........
payment failed? you can check help me!
user: nokia241186
We have found that you are trying to cheat with our referral earnings and thus we rejected your payment this time. Please note that cheating activities are strictly prohibited and your account will incur a permanent ban.
i have got same issue payment failed status is ( ! ) .
please help us check it the problem .
RemarK :Transaction Date:2011-12-22 and see that in today is fail.
use name :billy220
We have found that you are trying to cheat with our referral earnings and thus we rejected your payment this time. Please note that cheating activities are strictly prohibited and your account will incur a permanent ban.
Hello, I login my account in your website got "user disabled!", but login via ftp without problem.
Please help me to fix this problem. Thanks.
username: KarmuSz
Your account has been banned because you cheat with our referral earnings.
Me Too , please help me , My User : noobnickname
Your account has been banned because you cheat with our referral earnings.
PM me your username for checking, thanks.
Hello Admin,
I couldn't login this whole day and the error msg is "user disabled!". Please help to fix this.
username: starvh
Besides i have 2 pending payments from last week....
Your account has been banned because you cheat with our referral earnings.
Hello Admin,
I couldn't login this whole day and the error msg is "user disabled!". too
username: ezpeer123
Your account has been banned because you cheat with our referral earnings.
Me too!!
Please help us.
User: tyyahoo33
We have found that you are trying to cheat with our referral earnings and thus we rejected your payment this time. Please note that cheating activities are strictly prohibited and your account will incur a permanent ban.
me too!
very weird red triangle with a '!'
PM me your username for checking, thanks.
What is your username please?
why i can not login ???
show user disabled ???
my account: colorfulpower
Your account has been banned because you cheat with our referral earnings.
Please help..
User: sebaxtian
We have found that you are trying to cheat with our referral earnings and thus we rejected your payment this time. Please note that cheating activities are strictly prohibited and your account will incur a permanent ban.