Decide they are scam or not in the sense of counting downloads.
I might agree half only. their brother FS still okay I guess. maybe shaving alot, idk.:facepalm:only 20 sept?
up´loadstation don't count 100% downloads!, only 10% maybe!
uploadstation and fileserve are scam sites!
run to others options , don´t work for this scammer! X-(
scammer :facepalm:X-(:facepalm:
I'm getting sick of you guys. I'm going to stop using your services.
Decide they are scam or not in the sense of counting downloads.
RU to Wupload, not working.
Now FTP and Web upload seem to have problem...
Uploadstation is fuc.ing with us for a few days, stats of last 4-5 days are disaster and i guess uploadstaion isn't willing to fix this.
RU to WU is block since 2 days ago.
YEAH, my stats have dropped like that too.. I doubt they count any downloads anymore..
my account have no files at all ? what's wrong ?
I might agree half only. their brother FS still okay I guess. maybe shaving alot, idk.:facepalm:
All I know is that if Uploadstation keeps up like that they will be out of users!
Dear You !
Why disble my acc ?
My acc : like3x
I was really sock when I login in and know you have been banned . I do not understand why? I cooperate with you completely serious? You can check my work history?
Hope you come up with an explanation and re-open acc me. Nice working with you!