almost all my file has been deleted
almost all my file has been deleted
Me too even they said they pay because too low rate
waiting anover month isent on if his not agreeing to the dates he says then his breaking his own tos and all u lot gonna wait anover month good luck with that if he dident pay this month what makes u think he gonna pay next month
as we said the payment will paid all in last days of Feb
and upload/download speed is working good ans stable
please explain why the payment to us very long? o_oHI
as we said the payment will paid all in last days of Feb
and upload/download speed is working good ans stable
Nice prediction, my sisterThis host has not premium plan.
They pay for PPD and earn from google adsense :-=
Warez content sites will be banned by google soon and they will close site soon.
As anysend did
Speed is pending normal by me@10MB/s Part.
Can you give me unlimeted space? User: Hartz4Upper