UploadSat.com - Earn up to 7$/1000 - Minimum 2$ Daily payout & FULL download speed

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waiting anover month isent on if his not agreeing to the dates he says then his breaking his own tos and all u lot gonna wait anover month good luck with that if he dident pay this month what makes u think he gonna pay next month
Speed is pending normal by me :) @10MB/s Part.
Can you give me unlimeted space? User: Hartz4Upper

Buddy all of us have left this filehost even many of uploaders have deleted all of their files, now you need unlimited space?!
you are totally suspicious, you are either a beginner or a private uploader that Renado just pays you!
you haven't had more than 7 posts in WJ till now, and this post was 6th!


i am german uploader and my englisch not so god.
I need unlimited space, i upload any of data.

Many filehosters need to pay 30 - 60 Buisness Days, when you not waiting of your cash is not my problem.
Renado says he paid, when you say the host are scam is your problem.

I would to be testing this filehost for 3 Months and when they not pay in this time, i kicked him out.
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