UploadSat.com - Earn up to 7$/1000 - Minimum 2$ Daily payout & FULL download speed

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so all paypal payment are going to be paid by webmoney .. thats bad news as the reason i use this host is because you pay by paypal ... hopefully you will continue to try to use paypal as a payout method :)

yes....very bad news

other than paypal...none of payment method useful to me...

if u have problem using ur account...i request u to pls pay us in paypal via third party...

if u unable to pay us in paypal by any means....everybody will leave uploadsat in otherwords uploadsat will end soon

bcoz more than 80% people like paypal only
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stat is working good with no problems

regarding the pending payment for all :

the problem is not from our side it is from paypal, there is misunderstanding for their side not us

so we would ask you to patient please and wait it

we currently preparing to add webmoney so we may move paypal payments to webmoney for the pending payments

So we need you to give us some time for this payment, since you know that uploadsat always pay ;)


didnt know if this is just a delaying tactics.

as you said.. paypal have the problem.. but you can fixed it.

anafile also encountered the same problem but they fixed it.. wish that you fixed your problems in paypal.
i will not use uploadsat untill i receive my pp payment

i hope everyone follow me

i just received only one payment previously from uploadsat

now he suddenly saying paypal account limited...thats not good

i'm worried now...
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Paypal was and will always be a thing to be worried about...due to many things webmoney merchant account is in processing till now, but hoping for the best, I'll be more than happy if the NETELLER account get approved :)
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as i said more than 80% of people like paypal only

if he doesn't bring paypal again...i think its time to say good bye to uploadsat

the same pp problem arised in anafile,kingfiles...but they solved the problem quickly...now they r still paying in pp
Is Webmoney the last option for payments?

Theres always a way to fix the paypal problem..
like anafile and kingfile.. both have fixed those issues..

Fix paypal..

Added after 4 Hours 41 minutes:

Hello.. who is the admin? i want to talk to the admin some of my files are deleted..

Added after 9 minutes:

whos the admin in uploadsat? i want to contach him.. someones reporting my files.. i think he wants to destroy some of my threads..

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Dear WJ Members, I'd like to request you few things over here

First : Stop crying on the thread, it'll lead the thread to "Closed"

Second : Newbies & Uploader from another company stop spamming on here

Third : We are here a community, here are uploaders who has more than 3-4 terabyts of working files, so those who are giving it a try don't have headaches as we have

Fourth : I personally have pending payouts aswell, and Admin is not a sort of guy who will get vanished with your money, he most be having some issues for that he's not replying...wait a bit

Fifth : Those who don't like uploadsat, no need to leave a reply, use your own famous hosting like Kingfiles/anafile whatever

Sixth : If he run away with all the money and files, I'm promising you, I'll notify you guys door to door with the news that uploadsat died

I think this post has enough words to understand what I'm actually telling you, Thank You
Sixth : If he run away with all the money and files, I'm promising you, I'll notify you guys door to door with the news that uploadsat died

I think this post has enough words to understand what I'm actually telling you, Thank You

i ignored the 5.. and this one really get my attention
registered & free user downloads are a lot slower than before only 2MB/s .. it used to be over 20MB/s for free users
.. not good .. many downloaders only downloaded from this host because of its amazing free download speeds :thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown:
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