MY account jhou41 got banned.... why?
Thank you so much...I never seen such a uploadcenter who that really care for it's users...I've seen it by myself and experience It such a respect to users and give him best services and doing users request incredibelly.....for me as use 10 uploadcenter for uploading my files, uploadrocket is best for every spect including uplaod speed and llimit, downlloading, reward system and payment..I sure you uploadrocket perfect with no discussion It is enogh to understand what I saying.....
Thanks for the premium.
MY account jhou41 got banned.... why?
Does not show as banned to me - Do you mean your IP is blocked maybe?
Does not show as banned to me - Do you mean your IP is blocked maybe?
I swear that when i tried to login last week said that the acc was removed by the administrator........ now its ok again.... well... better for me.... thanks for the help
Hi RocketMan!
Can You upgrade my account to premium?
username: mrtzu
This a very good host, I highly recommend Uploadrocket to everybody.
Payment received (PP)
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]upload very slow please fix it