"Your account was banned by administrator."
uploadrocket.net is a scam
is gonna be to hard for you find any support for the accusation you made against this host.
uploadrocket.net have be one of the most honest host in last year and still on 2016, by the point of view of honest uploader there is nothing we can find against this host.
always paid on time without a single delay, the only delay when paypal got problems (we all know how paypal is when start block accounts) but even on that time others ways of payment have me offer to paid.
support is always there to solve every single issue, even when is not related to the host like i have do one time i got a email with a reply.
we can debate about if server get slow sometimes (normal issues in every host), if the layout is not the most modern, if some country can go up or down on the TIER, if files should remain more days online etc etc ,but what we cant find to debate about this host is issues about scam, bad manager, no payment done, issues about shaving etc etc etc, this host have a philosophy that others host should use, this host is concern in have the uploader happy, not by be fake and come here say yes to everything, but to have a attitude polite and respect to the uploader and always try make then feel safe, trust and home.
We all know the hard is trust on the majority of the hosts, how many stop paid, how many feel are any kinda kings and the uploader they slaves, how many lie all the time, how many does not even respond to emails etc etc etc.
For all this reasons i found the reply about scam be nothing more that someone that is not play honest, we all know that basic nobody have the all traffic from usa even that you are give them the usa national
So yeah i found this accusation of scam ridiculous.